Thursday, December 31, 2009

How To Dye Ice Cream?

Happy New Year to all

On the terrace of the hotel after the lift, the discussions are conducted in small groups. Coordinators coordinate, inform activists, dry throats, Languages slam, plainclothes officers smoke, walkers trampling.
Daily exercise of writing tries to stay in the little free space left by the arrests and issues, "you were at the museum? "" Did you see the banner of South Africa? "While the parallels with apartheid! "" It seems that the bus Mubarak arrived in Gaza. "The scouts have been stranded at Port Said, are you aware? "...
We also learn that one of the founders of the Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS) est décédée d’une crise cardiaque au Caire, elle participait à la marche internationale et avait près de 80 ans.

Nous travaillons seuls finalement sur le projet de montage pour les TV, les motivations ne sont pas bien fortes et les discussions prennent trop de temps. L’idée d’un kaléidoscope émise hier sera concrétisée par une centaine de portraits montrant la diversité et la détermination des marcheurs, des visages bâillonnés à l’image de la ville oubliée, un ruban de scotch nommé Gaza dont on ne peut se débarrasser.
Dès la première photo faite sur la terrasse the hotel, the boss steps in and stops the session. We only had time to test the system: a strip of French and one in Arabic that a person chooses and food near his face, click it in the box. We will resume the shoot tonight at the restaurant.

In the meantime, we take care to input text and internet messaging and sending files. A few thousand miles, Francis did a great job of on-line. Thank you to him.
At the hotel's Internet point, an American from San Francisco, tells us in a good French avec un fort accent, sa journée de manifestation ; Quand nous lui montrons les images des manifs montées, la voilà aux anges : « oouaah ! greeeeat ! greeeaaat ! genioouusss ! I have plusieurs milliers amis Facebook, je envoyer pour eux ! ». échanges d’adresse de blogs et voilà que l’audience s’élargit.

Vers 21h, nous nous allons au restaurant d’un grand hôtel où une grande salle nous est réservée, 12ème étage, vue sur la ville, bien à l’écart pour ne pas être vus et entendus ! Un policier en civil est posté à l’entrée …
Comme toujours à 60 personnes, et plus encore quand on ne parle pas la langue, la prise de commandes est laborieuse et le service décousu. C’est le moment idéal pour tirer le portrait des présents avec un bout de scotch.
Au milieu du repas, une liaison téléphonique amplifiée est établie avec le directeur exécutif (le n°2 …) du Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR). Yazid fait la traduction en direct. Le policier de l’entrée est très fâché et tente de faire cesser la conversation. Les organisateurs le renvoient poliment à sa mission «d’assurer notre sécurité » que ses supérieurs lui ont confiée, le téléphone ne risque pas
explode ... The Live from Gaza continues, then that brings us hurriedly additions unlike the usual Egyptian hospitality. We leave that aside to hear what our speaker said in Gaza:
Everything was ready to welcome us and we very much regret the difficulties we face, the fact that governments are complicit in the collective punishment of Gazans;
Gaza has been under economic blockade for 3 years and the population, especially elderly and children, survived with difficulty through humanitarian aid to Israel as the leaves pass;
The Israeli offensive last year has made enormous damage that can not be repaired despite the aid of the international community, blocked the gates of Gaza by Israel.
Despite all this, the Palestinians do not lose hope of returning home one day and hope that people like us will pressure their own governments and international institutions including the European Union for recognition of people's rights Palestinian and either order the State of Israel;
The Goldstone United Nations has shown clearly Israel's responsibility, in violation of international law and in the massacres of civilian population last year. This report proposes that Israel be brought before the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity even.
PCHR puts much hope in the international community including the European Union, for this conviction to succeed, it also has much sour popular support in Europe and the world so that decision can take place.
binding ends in applause and greetings to his voice, including servers that are still there to listen this incredible live for them.

few interventions take place after this warm connection: it must submit under the common fund; hotel reservations in El Arish advanced by our correspondents on the ground must be paid, and a sketch of balance This week of mobilization is almost done: we were a little naive about the willingness of negotiation of the Egyptian government, he would have to anticipate and provide an alternative to the inability to get out of Cairo, is a lesson for next time because we'll be back! ...

The twelve strokes of midnight punctuate these words taken from the incantatory tomorrows, and everyone interested in first kiss to Gazans a happy new year.
On the hotel terrace overlooking the bustling city, Yazid talks with a Palestinian leader, and the young lawyer of human rights address these wishes to Professor Goldstone, author of the famous report, submitted and then months a terrible pressure of the Zionist lobby.


Ali Patrick and Patrice

How Do You Piggyback Luggage

Manifesting or not? One night

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The discussion yesterday afternoon ended with the injunction boss of the hotel who feared that the gathering of 40 people attract trouble in his establishment. The discussion continued in small groups to propose forms of collective action, memorable and meaningful.

We have to face facts: the march is stopped, the international split, the expression impossible and unattainable ... Gaza. Maybe we had dreamed? It did not happen a year ago, the bombing never took place, the city is cleared of the card and memory, that piece of territory is buried under the rubble ...

We propose illustrate the situation we gagging her mouth with packing tape on which are inscribed with the slogans: FREE GAZA CITY, GAZA SILENCE DIES, REMEMBER GAZA ... The idea pleases.

sooner said the streets in search of large scotches: the shop inventory of school accessories goes!

Back to our hotel to summarize the day and eat at the fish a bream neighbor. Invites us an SMS at 8.30 tomorrow for a meeting. There is talk of a gathering unit of all organizations for the next 31 December, the day originally scheduled international march in Gaza. The U.S. Code Pink is to maneuver and we'll know more tomorrow.

Patrice sets very late to the montage of images from the bus in the morning and send our message every day.

For the last day of the year, we get early and find members of our group at the second hotel. The news of the night are confused: the coordination would be made to 400 people and was limited to the U.S. proposal without discussion: convergence in small groups to the Egyptian Museum and rally outside the museum at 10am 30.

The meaning and symbol are obviously questionable. No specific slogan, no objective reminded, in these conditions many are reluctant to go there not to be dragged into initiatives or behind slogans they do not share. Others, eager to act for a week of waiting, wish to be present in solidarity. In the end everyone is left free to participate or not these initiatives, with all the recommendations carefully.

The fact that no organization does not support these Egyptian social gathering is not conducive to mobilize. If the act is understandable frustration as motivation, it is not sufficient, a minimum of direction is necessary.

In this complex situation, we return positive information: The Embassy of France has indicated that the clarity of our strategy should allow us to perform missions spread over the year. That is the meaning of our presence here beyond the sad anniversary, and communication opportunity it creates, it is good to build over time, to act more consistently and probably less visible.

Around 10 am those who want to head to the museum solo or by two or three. Along the way, a first mob cap is on an avenue converging the museum plaza, between two airlines. A group of ten people has deployed a pink banner that reads " WOMEN'S SAYS GAZA FOR FREEDOM. " We remain a moment on the sidewalk in front as the group was surrounded by police and demonstrators that mask their boards. Undercover police are to leave onlookers who linger and ask us not to stay there.

We continue to the museum and Tahrir Square, where the large avenue along the museum is closed to traffic. The usual chaos of cars up a notch, the few taxis that run between the traffic police (many) are forced to backtrack. Along the Avenue by foot, we hit a roadblock, must wait. A little further on a tight cordon of uniformed policemen contains a group of protesters that we see Palestinian flags over their heads. A banner is hoisted into a tree. Impossible to approach.

We go around the block and come back on a street riot police premises, helmets and boots that push the protesters on the sidewalk level with the street and vehicles running on it. The police presence is impressive including the number of civilians that are identified quite well and circulate the passersby. They come in small packages in covered blue pickup. We jump in a taxi to take pictures as discreetly and then we try to move the museum grounds. From outside a fake taxi dissuade us from going to the museum at this time and we moved to a city tour ... Big String! Unlike yesterday bags are searched at the entrance and my rolls of tape are obviously suspect. Patrice him pencils tangle between two nationalities, so we are firmly and quickly extended to the exit.

Enough for the morning and hunt images. We return.

In the afternoon running SMS: Go you to 17 hours for a video project for TV stations and the two bus yesterday are finally left with volunteers and representatives of non-bearers of their own messages rather than international solidarity blocked in Cairo.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Queen Mattress In Cargo Van


Yesterday ended with a potluck in a restaurant downtown, on an avenue crowded. A kind of fast food in the cafeteria atmosphere smooth supermarket that does not sacrifice the sound of the street crowded with vehicles and horns. Difficult to speak in this sounding full of policemen.

Among the solutions envisaged, the attempt to force the passage is best shared. Our organization is exploring this hypothesis and attempts to establish an alternative to travel to El Arish, taxi, minibus, scheduled ...

Before going to bed, we stop at the Net cafe close to the hotel for our daily mailing, there is one of the marchers who fed her blog was discovered an interview with an Egyptian minister said on Al Djazeera that Egypt will be a humanitarian gesture towards letting two buses to Gaza, remaining international is invited to enjoy the beaches or historic monuments ... The Egyptian news quickly made the turn of those who are not yet coated and raises doubts: should he believe? this is a start of operation? that in hearing these words?

It is one o'clock in the morning when we turn off the lights, crippled with questions.

Sleep is hard to find. Outside cats are fighting, and horns are still echoing in the night in Cairo.

Around 3am the phone rings Patrice then that of the room rang. Florent is a tersely informed that bus must leave around 7am to Gaza following a negotiation accomplished in the night, one person from our organization will be able to board so it is necessary quickly gather in his room medicine and food that everyone brought, so he can bring to those who leave.

quickly I put pants and jacket and down four floors down, taking care not to make noise. Others have no such precautions, the hotel corridors whispering, squeaking or creaking doors, the elevator of his trademark tone all its judgments on the floors.

Florent's room was transformed into pharmacy. Must find a bag which combine the gifts scattered in a dozen plastic bags, according to Patrick, I sacrifice my backpack (which had the GR 20 Corsica ...) and we decide to go to the bus starting to make images .

At 6: 30 what remains of the night clinging to the tattered gray mist of morning, when we start walking to the bus station, across the island on the Nile, Gezira. At this time the big bridge on 6 October is almost empty: the vehicles are not like most during the day, but run at full speed in a joyous din of plates for the elderly.

We need a long run in the bus station to find the bus, framed by the police. On the wide sidewalk, it is both hope and challenge prevailing. When we arrived, a hundred people there with cameras and cameras, the parties have already completed the first bus. It seems that the second bus has difficulty to fill.

Signs on board were improvised: "GET OUT OF THE NOZZLE", "LET U.S. ALL GO" 1300 PERSONS OR NO ONE ". It discusses firmly to the lanyard doors giving access to the bus. An American recites the names of those who were chosen by their delegation. The conditions of the negotiation around these buses last minute remains mysterious and yet enlighten us much on the position to take.

Should we rejoice to see these two buses from or regret that there have no more on the start?

A squadron of military helmet and shield goes up the back of the bus. It is time to go, especially since few of us could sleep and we all went hungry. A deuxième escadron se met en place à l’avant des bus. Nous ne sommes pas là pour jouer aux gendarmes et aux voleurs avec la police égyptienne.

Retour à l’hôtel pour un petit déjeuner et tenter de rattraper le sommeil. Les flics sont partout, un des marcheurs qui souhaitait rentrer en France doit montrer son billet d’avion pour pouvoir sortir de l’hôtel ! 3 personnes qui partent sont aussitôt pistées par les policiers qui interrogent serveurs et réceptionniste sur leur numéros de chambre.

Pour nous rendre à la réunion collective convoquée à midi sur la terrasse restaurant de l’autre hotel we go light a tour guide in hand to divert and go two blocks to take a taxi.

With the height and a little sleep, things become clearer. We learn that the buses are not finally gone. Yazid, our representative got on the bus is there and explains the handling suffered by the negotiators themselves.

Code Pink organization American who acted alone, it seems, had managed to negotiate 2 buses to go to Gaza. The organization then asked in the early evening with other organizations to designate as 20 minutes to designate one or two people to join the convoy.

Although the method is not satisfactory the French collective associations accepted the proposal after completing the information with local contacts in Gaza (PCHR) and the Embassy of France (which does was not aware). Yazid was appointed as a delegate. In the night, groups of walkers referees were alerted to collect donations.

From the bus, while the delegates were seated, an American has spoken in the bus by saying he erred in accepting the deal proposed by Mubarak, followed by an Egyptian official who congratulated the lucky delegates and spoke words insulting to the protesters outside the bus, 10 minutes later the same official explains that the Palestinians do not want the coming internationals in Gaza, and attempts a demonstration by plugging the phone on the bus microphone while Yazid had just taken its correspondent in Gaza. Faced with this charade, the delegates all stood to leave the bus during and outside the squadrons of police vehicles took place around clearly showing that the party was over. Meanwhile the official announcements were made the rounds of news agencies, and we can read in the newspapers of that day: Egypt made a move to Gaza. (See below new observer of December 30: )

But nothing about the construction of the underground wall on the southern border of Gaza, Egyptian largest construction project since the Nasser in 1960!

During this meeting, Florent confirmed to us that scouts be sent solo by circuitous routes, either by regular bus or taxi are on the refoulés à des étapes plus ou moins avancées de leur voyage pour El Arish sans jamais atteindre leur but. Il est donc hors de question d’organiser de telles expéditions.

Un large débat a suivi ces informations où la nécessité de rassembler le millier de personnes éparpillés dans la ville et de rendre visible leur détermination aux yeux de la presse internationale s’est fortement exprimé.

La marche internationale pour la liberté à Gaza se passera le 31 décembre au Caire.

La vidéo du faux départ des 2 bus :
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Seen in the French press ...
Cairo allows one hundred protesters to march into Gaza

NOUVELOBS.COM move to Gaza. The activists who remain in Cairo announced their intention to continue the ongoing actions.

The Egyptian authorities have proposed to allow
100 of the 1,400 protesters blocked in Cairo to march into Gaza. The organizers of the event internationally accepted this offer, said on Wednesday, December 30.
The decision split the delegates from 43 countries came to Cairo to join the Palestinian enclave
from Rafah, a town straddling the Egypt-Gaza Strip to mark the first anniversary of the Israeli offensive against the territory palestinien.
"C'est une victoire partielle
", a justifié Medea Benjamin, un militant américain et l'un des organisateurs de la manifestation, face à la colère affichée par certains militants.
Il a précisé que le ministère égyptien des Affaires étrangères avait proposé que les organisateurs choisissent les 100 délégués qui seraient autorisés à passer à Gaza. Ces derniers devaient quitter la capitale égyptienne pour l'enclave palestinienne mercredi matin.

Poursuite des actions en cours

The Egyptian offer has angered many activists. A French organizer said she was to sow division
within them.
"This will just allow the Egyptian government to get some pictures and the ability to say" we let the world go ', "said Bassam Omar, a Canadian demonstrator. The activists who remain in Cairo announced their intention to continue protest actions in progress.
pro-Palestinian activists have staged several protests and sit-ins to protest against the ban in Egypt. Dozens of French activists and camped outside the embassy of France. An organizer said the French
sit-in would continue
Egypt said to have prevented the protesters from going to Gaza because of the "sensitive situation" in the Palestinian enclave.
27 December 2008 to January 22, 2009, Israel launched a devastating offensive against the Islamist movement Hamas in Gaza, killing more than 1,400 killed
Palestinian, Palestinian sources said.
( ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Ali Patrick and Patrice

Itunes Wont Let Songs To Playlist

In the desert, walked, dreamed, played and found the necklace for a queen ... Rock paintings

Sahara land where anything is possible ... Here we come to dream and think. Here nudity huge reveals. Here the body is freed from its shackles and is reborn to himself.
Here I assume the posture of the dance of Shiva, while a camel looks at me impassively, then small gift from the desert, I picked up with devotion and wonder, the prehistoric bead necklace ostrich egg that the dune has released the past ... and my heart remembers at once the story of Queen Khaine ... I tell it one day soon. .. And infinity
name again and again ... A
Douz, the sand is white as the salt of the Chott el Jerid, the great salt lake, which leads us to Tozeur in its vanishing mirage, to the tune of Ksar Ghilane the dune becomes a beautiful pink-orange in the rays of sunrise. The tamarisk and gorse sometimes punctuate the desert vastness that waves in graceful curves. The caravans of camels
often borrow the dune that runs from Douz Ksar Ghilane. Off the mountain Tembaïn is a landmark for travelers in the desert. But
Sahara continues through hamada stones and jagged canyons leading up Tataouine, the last town before the desert.
Between Gate and the Gate of Douz Tataouine, timelessness takes us to the soul like a whisper of vertigo and the sand is not that we go through. It is watered by our thirst for existence. And that's all one program!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How Do You Get Through Meido On Spectrobes

An update! Elevator

Hello, On arrival some have tried to contact the Embassy of France and the 200 campers. The police have dissuaded. The news conference since the bus was limited to a few interviews before a bus, the media exposure is limited to the Arabic-language media. We hope the media will follow France and Europe.
From our side we have taken advantage of this downtime to restore us (excellent fish) near the hotel and send out our daily.
The next day at breakfast tables of information rustle of the night the campers from the embassy spent their second night on the sidewalk framed by a double cordon of police, 500 U.S. attempted a sit-in outside a building UN Netanyahu arrives in Cairo on an official visit and different manifestations of the Egyptian opposition are planned, it is about to join but the Egyptian organizations are reluctant to welcome us into their ranks ...

we let the rumors and leave on foot to join our group at the second hotel (the joker of the elevator). Around 11, an SMS informs us that the meeting was delayed until 14:30.
This leaves us 2 hours to visit the Egyptian Museum before which we stand.
In the crowded bus and the crowd of tourists, we surf between cars to cross streets that converge on Tahrir Square when a man approaches us.
He spotted our French accent and drowns in a few words from which emerges logorrhea his stay in Grasse to form in perfumes, art family, the marriage of his daughter the next day which we are invited, and the Egyptian hospitality that makes us come into his store of memories and in the perfume of his mother. We come away after having dropped a few hundred pounds. Got to run local business ...

The visit is fast, sarcophagi statues, we retain the right eye and noble, the simple dignity and strength of Khafre seated in majesty enveloped the nape of the wings of Horus .

In the hotel room became a meeting room, the atmosphere is concentrated, or even serious. It became clear to all that will not enter Gaza. If this dream was cherished by many, we knew it would face difficulties, but perhaps not as quickly. Now the possibilities for action from Cairo are nil or insignificant. The options available to us are all unsatisfactory: go home without glory, without being able to remain in Cairo to come together, trying to reach El Arish by other means ...
In the group, a young lawyer of human Man recalls the objectives of the international market and the geopolitical context:
Firstly we are in a foreign country and the attitudes of donors Lesson of Western democracy are often viewed as neo-colonialism.

Then it does not describe the Egyptian government as responsible of the blockade (what would tend to do encircled the embassy) but Israel is causing the problem and that would be too happy get rid of the problem on its Arab neighbor, while continuing to pull the strings.
Finally, we must guard against the outbreak of the movement that we face and the many organizations and nationalities favors. Communication is key in this business is why we must maintain the pressure.

To our friends stayed in France, we ask to sign and sign the petition online at:

In parallel, continue to call your representatives, mayors, representatives and personalities ... and see the media who follow us: France 3, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, MBC, RFI (interview Florent), the Associated Press ...
soon, Ali

Patrick and Patrice

Monday, December 28, 2009

Where Is The Shop In Singapore To Buy Protein



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Mounting Go Cairo to El Arish December 28, 2008 18 H and our log of these two days:

Sunday, December 27, 2009
here we are in Cairo. After
temporary installation at the hotel, first meeting with our group: ten people, especially young people, Belgians too. We meet in a room for more discretion because the walls are full of ears in uniform at the entrance hotel, plainclothes in the lounge or around computers for free access.
single elevator can not respond to and fro permanent customers and activists in the floors. We spend more time waiting for the cab or on a tiny bearing once inside up and down before reaching the right floor. A game that puts pressure on those who have been there a few days and adds to the stress of information falling hour by hour.
This morning, the Egyptian authorities have clearly indicated that the border with Gaza was sealed and nobody was going.
In the afternoon a conference News organizers suggests that opportunities exist and buses are ready. One organization maintains the departure of the bus at 19h at the embassy of France and is ready to show if need ...
This position tends a little more discussions with the Egyptian police who decide to block the bus depots.
20.30: 200 people camped outside the embassy. Confirmation of blocking bus. Water cannons were on site ...
21h: after long minutes of waiting, we lift down to the ground floor, so we wanted to reach the terrace restaurant of the hotel. The 12th floor, some air and hope. Our buses are not part of those blocked at the depot.
Go to the next day for more info.
23h: Time to go to sleep after a night flight, a few hours of sleep, the whirlwind of the city and the joys of the elevator.

Monday, December 28, 2009
Finally a full night!
In the morning we do a round trip between the two hotels where our group is divided.
Campers are always outside the embassy and the bus depot with a ban on exit. Our buses do
are not in this situation and must leave around 14h to El Arish. The reference is to be discreet to reach the starting point.
How to be discreet to 50 people with backpacks and cameras? Besides the plainclothes officers who watch over the herd, Cairenes are all on the pitch of their shops to watch the start!
At 15h the bus starts! We thought ny more. Joy replaced the tension on their faces. Even if we're not far we seem to have crossed the first hurdle.
5 buses on the road with 200 people on board the French, Belgians, Greeks, Indians (from India), U.S. and Switzerland, all calm and determined to denounce the blockade of Gaza, Israel's impunity and complicity of the international community. Florent
the microphone we regularly reports on contacts between the buses.
Very soon, you have become disillusioned, the first two buses are stopped by traffic police, he said. The convoy
we form with two other buses is also stopped at twenty kilometers from Cairo. A gentleman in a suit and tie, a phone to each ear, seems very busy do not let us go further. He wanders nonchalantly on the edge of the highway is a vast dump where flying plastic bags and rubble piled up the sand gradually covered.
We stay there in the din of horns, microphones ads on the outcome of negotiations. After one hour, posting a colonel. He arrived in his uniform with gold buttons, and adds to his decorations, also a phone pendant at each of its ears. The bus driver explains that it is mounted very high, it is called the head of intelligence ... the Minister may be.
Meanwhile news arrived from the Embassy of France: those who spent the night on the sidewalk are in a situation far worse than ours. Trois solutions leur sont proposées : passer une nouvelle nuit sur le trottoir et être reconduite le lendemain à l'aéroport, être reconduites immédiatement à l'aéroport, ou encore être confinées jusqu'à leur avion de retour, au lycée français du Caire mis à disposition par l'ambassade.
Dans notre bus sur le bord de l'autoroute, nous avons au moins l'impression d'avoir bougé, mais si peu ... Nous essayons de gagner du temps pour permettre aux médias d'être sur place et de rendre compte de la situation. Au bout de deux heures, les services se font plus autoritaires et intiment l'ordre aux chauffeurs de bus de nous reconduire au Caire à nos hôtels. Toujours quiet and after a few exchanges between the 5 buses (long live the laptop ..) we bend this requirement, and decide to call the press for our return.
U-turn so bitter but good visibility on expected arrival. We are escorted by a police vehicle, which closely monitors our itinerary.
Who said that Gaza's southern border was permeable?
Who said the people of Gaza could be driven by humanitarian organizations? What steps
pacifists could enter Gaza?
That did not prevent the blockade of living ...
Well no, the blockade exists, we tested for you ...
--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
The testimony of Ziad Medoukh, Gazan
(released on 20 December 2009 by the author on the site of the CCIPPP,
One year already. Gaza remembers choking Gaza, Gaza patient.
end of December 2008 end December 2009, a year already
... I will not return to this article about 3 weeks terrible experiences of the civilian population in Gaza during the Israeli aggression against an innocent region, against an open-air prison, against an isolated area and walled A population enclosed no possibility of escape ...
Everyone is free to qualify and describe in words the horrible events in Gaza: war, assault, shelling, killing, war crimes, bloody attacks, even barbaric attacks ... The only words to me were, massacres and crimes committed by the fifth military power in the world against a million and half civilians, cons women and children and old helpless against the entire infrastructure of the Gaza Strip, and this, in the deepest contempt for international condemnation.
is very difficult for me, Gazan, describe the current situation in Gaza one year after the end of Israeli aggression, because I could write pages and pages, even books, to mention only some of the suffering, pain and sacrifices of its people remain isolated, confined by the blockade, and abandoned to their fate in a fishbowl called free world.
Words escape me and expressions to talk de toute une population : femmes, jeunes, enfants, personnes âgées, patients, chômeurs, malades, blessés, invalides, tous ceux qui ont perdu pendant ce déferlement de massacres et de destructions, leurs maisons, leurs biens et surtout leurs proches, et qui, néanmoins, continuent de résister sur leur terre dans des conditions inhumaines, difficilement imaginables pour quelqu’un de l’extérieur.
Je ne sais pas de quel Gaza je vais parler : Gaza le blocus ? Gaza l’isolement ? Gaza la résistance ? Gaza la vie ? Gaza la souffrance ? Gaza la détermination ? Gaza la prison ? Gaza la mort lente ? Gaza la tristesse ? Gaza l’obscurité ? Gaza l’opprimée ? Gaza choking? Gaza impotence? Gaza misfortune? Gaza or hope?
A year already ... Gaza late December 2009, a year after these events Gazans remember - how could they forget? They remember these 20 days of carnage ever seen since the Israeli occupation 48. First they remember more of their martyrs, over 1,400 killed by the Israeli air force bombs or bullets of the soldiers: they remember the house, over 6000, hospitals, schools, shelters for the population, destroyed by bombing in the Israeli-discriminated; they remember the passive complicity of the international community during the massacres. In the human world in the twenty-first century, how is this possible?
A year already and nothing has changed in Gaza ... The inhuman blockade imposed since more than 3 years still tightens its grip, even more inhumane in the current situation in Gaza, the passages that connect Gaza to the outside world are open to the dropper on the Israeli military, 80% of the civilian population in Gaza live on international food aid, when they can go, the wounded and sick or die waiting for death because he is forbidden to go outside to seek treatment outside hospitals and that their lack of proper equipment.
end of December 2009, a year already and Gaza survives still in pain, patient Gaza ... Gaza is still waiting for the awakening of global consciousness, Gaza continues to expect the application of international law, Gaza continues to suffer with only his determination to continue to live ... not to die ...
A year and more than 10 000 inhabitants of Gaza are still living in tents beside the ruins of their houses because all the building materials are banned from the Gaza Strip by military order Israel.
Gaza in late December 2009, hopes anyway. His reasons for hope, as were the powerful expressions of support around the world are mobilizing civil society and political representatives around the world for governments and decision makers from the international community provide for the lifting the blockade and the reopening of crossings, so that finally the people of Gaza can begin to restore their environment ... to heal their wounds, so that finally they can expect to start to live a normal life in their region in their cities, dans leurs villages...
Gaza, fin décembre 2009, à la veille de la marche commémorative internationale : Gaza n’en peut plus, Gaza survit au jour le jour, Gaza étouffe, Gaza crie dans le silence des médias internationaux, Gaza attend... Gaza espère... espère et demande... Les Palestiniens de Gaza espèrent et demandent la restauration de leurs droits fondamentaux, de leur droit à la vie dans le monde, à la paix par l’application de la justice.
Le chemin de la paix passe par la justice, rien que la justice.
Gaza et les Palestiniens aspirent à la paix dans la liberté et la justice.
Ali Patrick and Patrice

Bartłomiej Basiura


That day, my guide whispers
"Did you want to see the cave paintings?
I am surprised, because they are not mentioned anywhere. I'm passionate about everything inscribing, and human origins.
"-Cave paintings in Tunisia? In the region of Tatooine?
... And here I am towards Ghomrassen, a village nestled in a rocky valley, beautiful cliffs and holes in an ancient village perched on a rocky, marabout white at the edge of the void ...
He finds no difficulty in the track leading to the caves and rock occurred under the arch he uttered a cry of despair!
- "They scraped away the rock and drawings!
I look, and I do not know whether erosion or human hands, but actually the ceiling of the cave is furrowed as small chisel strokes. But he remains on the far left a few drawings red ocher quite definable. It is the beating heart as I discover them with this painful feeling of irreparable loss by profit, have failed to meet men ... unless the time is spent there.
"" I swear, "said Mohammed, three years ago, there were plenty in the cave!"
But traces of the past are there and for how long?
It remains for me to immortalize them with digital and you to enjoy. Our ancestors had talent!

Beyonce Fat Bathing Suit

aleikoum Salam Cairo

night between Casa et Le Caire a été courte et inconfortable; pas de bagage à l'arrivée pour Patrice. 2 heures de palabres, l'espoir que le bagage arrive par l'avion du lendemain et néanmoins une indemnisation de 300 livres payée entre le tapis à bagages et la balayeuse mécanique ...
Bon Le Caire donc, ville gigantesque, tentaculaire, plus grande métropole d'Afrique, 7 millions d'habitants, nous ne nous étendrons pas la desssus et ne retiendrons que quelques images : les klaxons comme pare-chocs sonores, les gentils ânes tractant leurs chargements de légumes dans le tourbillons des voitures, les trottoirs impraticables qui mettent tous les piétons sur la chaussée, the elegant gentlemen in their long gandouras, or ladies in their white veils, sequined or embroidered according to the fashion of the moment.
News of the organization are contradictory departures to El Arish could take place starting tomorrow. Discussions with the Egyptian authorities are still ongoing, but the strategies differ among members of the organization. Some would take this opportunity to denounce the policy of cooperation between Egypt which is of course irrelevant! The important thing is to know the inhuman situation of Gaza today. We are here to be the eyes and ears that the international community n'a plus; la bouche que les palestiniens de Gaza n'ont plus.
Relayez donc ce journal auprès de vos amis, c'est le meilleur service que vous puissiez rendre au million et demi de Gazaouis enfermés.
Ali-Patrick et Patrice

Saturday, December 26, 2009

2006 Mercury Optimax Problems

Tabuna The sisters Berber Ras El Oued

is the story of an encounter that words can hardly describe. I speak rather of visual sensations, smell, taste to talk about this immersion with the world of Berber origins.
Three women living in a small house atop the hill of Ras El Oued. They are weavers, shepherds, Cultivators. They did not find husbands because they had no dowry. While they live there, as formerly, in their cave. In the courtyard, a few hens and a rooster, an oven to cook tabun, delicious flat bread they make me tea with jam and slippery black dates and olive oil. Unforgettable flavor. They do not speak
a word of French but in their eyes that smile like a flame is worth living all languages.
On the horizon the sun is splitting the mountains of Jebel Dahar, iridescent table-like fantasy film, some Berber women in red dress, puffed on the kidneys, a large white veil of English embroidery covering the head, hurrying to their homes. Their approach varies from right to left and splashes of color cladding the last street of the village stops there, suddenly, above the empty, as if the last rainstorm had caused a whole section of mountain in the desert wadi .
The smell of the cake, plated on the wall of burning earth-filled space, delicious taste of warm saliva moistens and already the palace while the rooster began unleashed a series of hoarse cries to greet the sun sinking gloriously behind the mountains.
Inside the cave, the oldest of three sisters sorts a large tuft of wool sheep to draw twisted son to use on the loom for one of these wonderful Killimer that tell the story of their origins Asfour, diamond, symbolic motifs in the first language of the world that their culture was never forgotten.
the west of Ras El Oued, the night grows, quiet, gliding through space like a wind that spreads the silence in the valley, as now looks like tomorrow night and not care, she is queen of the place and the finger on the mouth djins gather for a medley of isolated peaks. The rooster
desperate to lose the light has finally subsided. The Tabuna is cooked. I dip the cake in this black honey and sweet ... and the time has stopped.

Tech Deck Nuts Screws

A last hello from France Merry Christmas

The next email will be Egyptian

We are at the airport, bags on their backs, passport in hand and computer on his lap.
You may have read in previous posts, the news from Cairo are not favorable. Most certainly we will not enter Gaza. Egyptian authorities cite security issues: disrupting infiltrated among the marchers. Paternalistic old tune that should turn into intimidation to those who ignored. But that is not our intention.
It's not only incriminate the Egyptian government for the closure of Gaza's borders, but to recall the responsibility of the entire international community and particularly the European Union and foremost that of the State of Israel. If we had
an example, here is one: Egypt is building an underground wall up to 20 m deep to make the border south of Gaza less than 10 km "porous". The metal construction in the desert a little more asphixiera million and half people live locked open and have to survive as humanitarian aid that Israel let in whenever they want, hence the thousands of tunnels which allows the passage of consumer goods common. The piles are paid by the U.S., implemented with the help of the EU and the site is under the control of a general ... French! And in the desert, sand is much simpler than in the city for the metro ...
If we're not going to Gaza, the Palestinians will meet in Cairo néanmmoins. Indeed, many refugees live in Egypt, casualties of bombings last year are still being treated in hospitals in Cairo. Alternative activities are provided on site:
- communication with the international media, coordination with the marchers in Jerusalem
- Solidarity medical
- Palestinian prisoners in Egypt,
- Boycott-Divestment-country solidarity (BDS)
- NGOs in Cairo,
- Cultural Program
mobilizations in resonance with the march International, held in France on December 27, those who could not come with us can go to:
- Lyon Sunday, December 27 at 14:30 Terreaux square
- Marseille Sunday, December 27 at 16h angle Belsunce Canebière.
- Paris Sunday, December 27 at 15h Place Denfert Rochereau
to Casablanca are called gate 10, correspondence to Cairo, Gaza destination unsecured ...

(very) soon

Ali Patrick and Patrice

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Good Statement For Abortion

This Friday, December 25, 2009, after the family feasts and harvest olives in Montelimar (
see video below
), we (Patrick and Patrice Ali) is getting ready to go.
Make her bag, provide the essential and the minimum, take steps to those we meet, read and understand the situation there, inquire about the news not to be caught off guard.
The latest information to comply had been feared: there is little chance that we can enter Gaza. Egyptian authorities refused to let the "walkers" (see video below) ... We'll see on the spot: an alternative program is planned by the organizers. One thing is certain: we're not going to Egypt to protest against the Egyptian government, but to condemn the blockade and to demonstrate our solidarity with the "locked" Gaza.
Video 2 minutes Ali Patrick picking olives in ..... Montelimar!

Please install Flash Player to play video
Harvesting olives .. . Montelimar! The people of Gaza soon suffocated by a new Egyptian wall?

(2 items)


The French are involved in the imprisonment of Gaza!
Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem checkpoint

(thank you Peter) ______________________________________________

(very) soon

Patrice Patrick and Ali

Cooks Tree Boa For Sale

The Cottage Douiret Chez Rauf "in the mountains of Djerba Dahar

You said, cave dwellings, the Berber people in Tunisia? And you immediately think "Matmata" ... Only Matmata is now a great tourist destination. I what I suggest is to visit a place with me still virtually unknown, but of great interest to lovers of the unusual and authenticity: The ancient village of Douiret in Jebel Dahar.
Location: Out of Djerba, take the Roman road, then the direction of Medenine, then Tataouine. Exit Tataouine southbound. At the small hamlet of Ouled Debab take "Douiret" on the right and continue straight until the road ends. Some laces and a few bumps later a landscape of fairy tale begins to emerge from the earth, and after spending Douiret further down the mountain, you look up and there you stay breathless! The citadel-mound of Douiret and small white mosque opens before you amazed! Raouf
Here awaits you with its Berber family, Farhat, Amor, Yamina, Abdullah Ahmed Bel Kassem and his small team who hold the wren house, a set of rooms Berber renovated hillside. A magnificent example of what the courage of one family from the village can do to resolve such problems. A small family restaurant, a score of bedrooms, bathrooms are brand new and stunning views ... evenings to the sound of the darbuka ... All the brothers have a talent for playing music and making you dance.
Courses are organized for specific dates, clay modeling, painting, photography, dancing, qi gong, yoga with their friends from Sun Unplugged, a Franco-Tunisian, located in the village and supports this effort Berber family in the renovation of the site.
Arriving at the top of the road, turn left and you park your vehicle next to the stairs, he'll just climb a few hundred steps. A donkey will pick up your luggage, except our brave Bel Kassem, quick as a hare mountains.
The fairy tale can begin ...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Nixon Rotolog Cleaning

the unusual

I imagined Djerba grouillante et détestable, comme le sont ces abords de la grande bleue, polluée par une faune agglutinée sur le sable aseptisé des grands hô je n'avais pas tort...Mais c'était sans compter sur la surprise d'une île aux multiples secrets, tenant jalousement ses joyaux minuscules et fascinants au coeur de son écrin d'oliviers.
Ce jour là, fatiguée du bruissement des grandes vagues et des alignements de parasols, je suis partie à l'aventure sur une bicyclette tremblante, le chapeau bien enfoncé sur la tête, le foulard pardessous, prenant exemple sur le costume des djerbiennes. J'ai mis le cap sur l'intérieur de l'île, pressentant quelque miracle bien caché.
narrowly avoiding a few 4X4 rampaging hurtling towards Guellala, I started getting deeper into the groves bloom on sandy tracks. After 5 miles of pedaling alone, I paused in silence, amazed to discover an island worthy of her gracious name Djerba la Douce. A careless child
driving before him a donkey no less pressed, a few chickens scratching in the sand battling, olive stocky and wore entwined berry tight hesitating between green and red, while the graceful young women laughing in their colorful dresses me making hand signs.
I asked my bike against a mound child and motioned me to come and see beyond the embankment. Running barefoot in front of me, he nimbly climbed a low wall and I followed, curious as much as amused. Then he paused and said:
- "Look!" in perfect French and triumphant.
was a little white wonder, beautiful lines, planted atop a tiny mound, one of these mosques forgotten that tourists never visit, and the memory of an ancient peace comes nimbus of light and serenity. A kind of house built with the heart and forget the plumb line, ice successive layers of lime, leaning just to move and be humble. Inside the small mosque, the light filtered gently illuminating a mat color of wheat and great writing entwined, black on white, under mysterious to me who did not know Arabic.
The child was silent, watching me from her large black eyes in the middle of a face browned by the summer. He sat in a corner, knees up reassembled dusty face.
I toured the building and then I sat on the doorstep. Outside
Djerba shone the light of noon, two pigeons cooed in the immense olive tree trunk and twisted, burning in the sky a plane slowly unfolding a silver thread ... And slowly I opened my wings in a quiet ecstasy butterfly amazed.

18 Inch Remington 870mcs

D-Day - 4

Le départ approche, mélange d'appréhension et d'enthousiasme ...
Avant de partir, voici quelques informations sur cette "aventure" volontaire :

Nous prenons l'avion, Ali-Patrick et Patrice, samedi 26 décembre 2009 à Marseille- Marignane, vers 20h et arriverons via le Maroc le dimanche 27 décembre à 7h environ au Caire.

Nous y retrouverons les autres personnes de notre groupe dans la matinée pour un départ groupé vers la ville d'El Arish, situé sur la côte au delà du canal de Suez au nord du Sinaï, à 300 km du Caire et 30 environ de la frontière sud de Gaza.
Après une nuit à El Arish, nous nous présenterons the next Monday, December 28, 2009 at Rafah crossing, 8 H 30 to enter Gaza.

To get an idea of geography, here an annotated map of the region: blue lines represent the two marches: one from Egypt (to which we are therefore) and another, between Jerusalem and the crossing point at Erez (Beit Hanoun) north of the Gaza Strip. Many international participate in these two steps: more than 500 Americans, 500 European, but also Indian, Latin American and even Israeli!
The objective of these two steps is to recall the situation that saw the population of Gaza one year after the Israeli offensive on that territory, to call for an end to the blockade of Gaza, backed by Europe and the United States, and lasts for 3 years now, to denounce the crimes committed by Israel (in light of the Goldstone) and express our solidarity with the people ... If the Egyptian and Israeli police are willing to let us in Gaza ...


Journal Le Dauphine Libere

An article by journalist Amanda Brioude be published Thursday 24, Friday 25 Saturday 26 page or Region (Ardeche-Drome). Moreover, depending on events, Amanda publish some articles during our stay.

An article in the newspaper Le Monde of 22 December 2009

"One year after the Israeli offensive, Gaza" abandoned " 12/22/un-an-apres-l-offensive-israelienne-gaza-abandonnee_1283861_3218.html


If you think this March for Freedom of Gaza is correct, useful and necessary, n Please feel not to transfer in real time the daily mail to your family, your friends, your family, including and especially the 30 and 31 January.

The press "Walk for Freedom for Gaza", "Gaza, a year after" Mission by the national collective for a Just Peace and Sustainable between Palestinians and Israelis
Patrice Forget Ali and Patrick Louahala

Thursday, December 17, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Blood Vessel

D-Day - 10

We will be part of a group of the International Civil Campaign for the Protection of the Palestinian People (CCIPPP).

Walk This will bring together over 1000 people from different countries (mainly USA and Europe) and aims to denounce the blockade taken over 3 years by Israel on the Gaza Strip on the 1.5 million people who live (survive).

During our stay, we will try to show daily particular voyage in photos, texts and videos we will post on this blog.

We thought that this newspaper might interest you travel.

For more information on walking, you can and can visit to Gaza

- Patrice Forget Ali and Patrick Louahala

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What To Use For An Extreme Diaper Rash

Parcel throughout France

For aperitifs

Package 4 * Escargotine in jar of 80 gr
Foam snails with parsley delicious hot on toast
Postage included for 39 euros. Sent by
collissimo (Monitoring Internet)
receiving a check payable to From helix at 120 road home Pallud 74250 VIUZ

* Offer valid for 4 or escapéros

4 jars of snails in natural x24.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wording For Invites To Pay For Own Meals

Christmas Market 2009 Haute Savoie Helix

The farm snails Helix Viuz Sallaz participates in
Market Thonon Thursday, December 17, 2009
Market Annemasse Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Market Cranves Sales - Haute Savoie - December 12, 2009
Christmas market in Viuz Sallaz - Haute Savoie - 12 and December 13 2009
When Viuz Sallaz in lights at Christmas time, small cottages in the village grow to provide warmth, food and ideas gifts for children and adults.
Christmas Market Ambilly - Haute Savoie - December 5, 2009
Christmas Market Verchaix - Haute Savoie - December 6, 2009

Shiny Gold Where To Get Master Ball

Google - Google Helix

Monday, October 19, 2009

Spettacoli Monica Roccaforte not

Helix is a snail farm situated in Haute Savoie and it is possible to make farm visits and purchase local products.

Did you Helixia is a service company in operational marketing, communication. It also

helixia-arabians stallion / mare / foal and horses for sale and walks out.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Striploin Steak Recipes Oven

Getting spat Park 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How Accurate Is A 6 Weeks Negative Hiv Test 2010


The snail is a real wealth of our national gastronomic heritage.
Escargotine, Escapéro, Croquilles, Puff
Why wait for Christmas??

Puff the 3 flavors appetizer or starter
Croquilles where you eat everything