Monday, December 28, 2009

Bartłomiej Basiura


That day, my guide whispers
"Did you want to see the cave paintings?
I am surprised, because they are not mentioned anywhere. I'm passionate about everything inscribing, and human origins.
"-Cave paintings in Tunisia? In the region of Tatooine?
... And here I am towards Ghomrassen, a village nestled in a rocky valley, beautiful cliffs and holes in an ancient village perched on a rocky, marabout white at the edge of the void ...
He finds no difficulty in the track leading to the caves and rock occurred under the arch he uttered a cry of despair!
- "They scraped away the rock and drawings!
I look, and I do not know whether erosion or human hands, but actually the ceiling of the cave is furrowed as small chisel strokes. But he remains on the far left a few drawings red ocher quite definable. It is the beating heart as I discover them with this painful feeling of irreparable loss by profit, have failed to meet men ... unless the time is spent there.
"" I swear, "said Mohammed, three years ago, there were plenty in the cave!"
But traces of the past are there and for how long?
It remains for me to immortalize them with digital and you to enjoy. Our ancestors had talent!


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