Thursday, December 31, 2009

How To Dye Ice Cream?

Happy New Year to all

On the terrace of the hotel after the lift, the discussions are conducted in small groups. Coordinators coordinate, inform activists, dry throats, Languages slam, plainclothes officers smoke, walkers trampling.
Daily exercise of writing tries to stay in the little free space left by the arrests and issues, "you were at the museum? "" Did you see the banner of South Africa? "While the parallels with apartheid! "" It seems that the bus Mubarak arrived in Gaza. "The scouts have been stranded at Port Said, are you aware? "...
We also learn that one of the founders of the Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS) est décédée d’une crise cardiaque au Caire, elle participait à la marche internationale et avait près de 80 ans.

Nous travaillons seuls finalement sur le projet de montage pour les TV, les motivations ne sont pas bien fortes et les discussions prennent trop de temps. L’idée d’un kaléidoscope émise hier sera concrétisée par une centaine de portraits montrant la diversité et la détermination des marcheurs, des visages bâillonnés à l’image de la ville oubliée, un ruban de scotch nommé Gaza dont on ne peut se débarrasser.
Dès la première photo faite sur la terrasse the hotel, the boss steps in and stops the session. We only had time to test the system: a strip of French and one in Arabic that a person chooses and food near his face, click it in the box. We will resume the shoot tonight at the restaurant.

In the meantime, we take care to input text and internet messaging and sending files. A few thousand miles, Francis did a great job of on-line. Thank you to him.
At the hotel's Internet point, an American from San Francisco, tells us in a good French avec un fort accent, sa journée de manifestation ; Quand nous lui montrons les images des manifs montées, la voilà aux anges : « oouaah ! greeeeat ! greeeaaat ! genioouusss ! I have plusieurs milliers amis Facebook, je envoyer pour eux ! ». échanges d’adresse de blogs et voilà que l’audience s’élargit.

Vers 21h, nous nous allons au restaurant d’un grand hôtel où une grande salle nous est réservée, 12ème étage, vue sur la ville, bien à l’écart pour ne pas être vus et entendus ! Un policier en civil est posté à l’entrée …
Comme toujours à 60 personnes, et plus encore quand on ne parle pas la langue, la prise de commandes est laborieuse et le service décousu. C’est le moment idéal pour tirer le portrait des présents avec un bout de scotch.
Au milieu du repas, une liaison téléphonique amplifiée est établie avec le directeur exécutif (le n°2 …) du Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR). Yazid fait la traduction en direct. Le policier de l’entrée est très fâché et tente de faire cesser la conversation. Les organisateurs le renvoient poliment à sa mission «d’assurer notre sécurité » que ses supérieurs lui ont confiée, le téléphone ne risque pas
explode ... The Live from Gaza continues, then that brings us hurriedly additions unlike the usual Egyptian hospitality. We leave that aside to hear what our speaker said in Gaza:
Everything was ready to welcome us and we very much regret the difficulties we face, the fact that governments are complicit in the collective punishment of Gazans;
Gaza has been under economic blockade for 3 years and the population, especially elderly and children, survived with difficulty through humanitarian aid to Israel as the leaves pass;
The Israeli offensive last year has made enormous damage that can not be repaired despite the aid of the international community, blocked the gates of Gaza by Israel.
Despite all this, the Palestinians do not lose hope of returning home one day and hope that people like us will pressure their own governments and international institutions including the European Union for recognition of people's rights Palestinian and either order the State of Israel;
The Goldstone United Nations has shown clearly Israel's responsibility, in violation of international law and in the massacres of civilian population last year. This report proposes that Israel be brought before the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity even.
PCHR puts much hope in the international community including the European Union, for this conviction to succeed, it also has much sour popular support in Europe and the world so that decision can take place.
binding ends in applause and greetings to his voice, including servers that are still there to listen this incredible live for them.

few interventions take place after this warm connection: it must submit under the common fund; hotel reservations in El Arish advanced by our correspondents on the ground must be paid, and a sketch of balance This week of mobilization is almost done: we were a little naive about the willingness of negotiation of the Egyptian government, he would have to anticipate and provide an alternative to the inability to get out of Cairo, is a lesson for next time because we'll be back! ...

The twelve strokes of midnight punctuate these words taken from the incantatory tomorrows, and everyone interested in first kiss to Gazans a happy new year.
On the hotel terrace overlooking the bustling city, Yazid talks with a Palestinian leader, and the young lawyer of human rights address these wishes to Professor Goldstone, author of the famous report, submitted and then months a terrible pressure of the Zionist lobby.


Ali Patrick and Patrice


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